Pet / Dog Breeder In India

Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore

Lhasa Apso puppies for sale in Bangalore

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Lhasa Apso

New studies on DNA tell us that one of the ancient breeds is the Lhasa Apso. Way back in the chilly mountains of Tibet, the Lhasa Apso came to life. These dogs got their name from the holy city of Lhasa, where Buddhist monks did purposeful dog breeding in their monasteries. Why? To make them top-notch guards! The Lhasas had this awesome long, thick coat that kept them cozy while patrolling the tough Tibet scene. They know how to be independent yet show love and loyalty. And guess what? They're not just watchdogs; they make awesome companions, bringing joy and mischief to families. Check out Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore at Doggywala and bring one home!

Lhasa Apso price in Bangalore

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Lhasa Apso breeder in Bangalore

Lhasa Apso Dog Price In Bangalore

Looking to bring a Lhasa Apso into your Bangalore home? Well, the Lhasa Apso Price In Bangalore may vary! It can be anywhere from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 100,000. Why? Well, it's all about the coat designs and colors that can jazz up the price tag. You might spot some Lhasa Apso pups in Bangalore with a starting price of Rs. 15,000, but don't rush in just yet.

Before you dive into this pup parenting journey, do your homework. Check out the Lhasa Apso Dog Breeder In Bangalore—make sure they are doing it ethically. Also, make sure whether they hand over 100% purebred puppies or not. If you're eyeing a Lhasa Apso with some top-notch Tibetan genes, the standard Lhasa Apso Dog Price In Bangalore is above the average. Quality does come at a cost, after all.

Lhasa Apso Dog for Sale Online In Bangalore

In native Tibet, the Lhasa Apso has been nicknamed 'the bearded lion.' Lhasa Apso stands out with its eye-catching appearance- short legs, fluffy pendant ears, dark eyes, and a tail that sits high over its back. The coat steals the show, usually long and thick, often touching the floor. The standard coat colors include gold, cream, smoke, slate, dark grizzle, brown, black, and white. Some Lhasa Apsos might have a kink in their tails!

Now, let's clear up a common myth: a Lhasa Apso Dog for sale Online In Bangalore is not exactly hypoallergenic. Sure, their coat doesn't shed much, but their skin does, and that can stir up allergies.

Small dog, big personality! While some little dogs get a bad reputation for being stubborn or aggressive, Lhasa Apsos breaks the stereotype. Socialize them, be the boss, and teach good manners - that's the key. Once trained, they'll turn into lively, loving pals. Size-wise, males have a height of 23 to 25 inches (57 to 62 cm), and females stand at 22 to 24 inches (55 to 60 cm). Males and females weigh between 30 and 40 kilograms and 25 and 35 kilograms, respectively. They live a solid 12-15 years. Believe it or not, some of them even hit their 20s!

Lhasa Apso Puppies In Bangalore- Things You Should Know About This Breed

Before adopting a Lhasa Apso Dog for sale Online In Bangalore, here are certain details that you need to know:

History of Origin

Going way back to 800 BC, it seems Lhasa Apsos had a job—guarding monasteries and villages in Tibet. Tibetan Mastiffs did the outside patrol, while Lhasas kept an ear out for intruders inside. If a Lhasa heard something, they'd bark loudly, letting everyone in the monastery know in a flash.

People in Tibet really held Lhasas in high regard. Some even thought that the souls of Buddhist monks came back as these dogs. Lhasas stayed in Tibet for ages until the Dalai Lama gave them to foreigners as good luck charms. In 1933, the first two Lhasa Apsos came to the US as a gift for a guy named C. Suydam Cutting from the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso.

Cutting started breeding Lhasas, and by 1935, the American Kennel Club (AKC) gave them the nod. At first, they called them terriers, but in 1959, they changed it to the non-sporting group. Today, Lhasas aren't palace guards anymore. Instead, they're mainly family buddies who stick by their people and watch out for them. Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are not just dogs; they can be loyal protectors for the family.

Lhasa Apso female puppies for sale in Bangalore


The Lhasa Apso is a loyal and trustworthy companion. They can be a bit independent and cautious around strangers. With some patience and consistent training, they can become quite obedient. It's important to note that they are sensitive and don't respond well to raised voices.

Even today, the Lhasa Apso maintains its spirited and esteemed history as a companion. They have a unique belief that they're the special ones in the household, deserving of respect. They're friendly and assertive, able to distinguish between friends and foes. They may be territorial with other pets, and not always tolerant of rough play from children; proper socialization from puppyhood helps them get along well.

Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are loyal to their family and can be great with adults and children who respect their boundaries. With proper training, they can also get along with other pets, but they may like to be in charge. They can tolerate being alone for a reasonable time. They're not overly vocal, but their keen hearing makes them alert to unexpected events.

Lhasa Apso petshop in Bangalore

Lhasa Apso Care and Maintenance

Here are some tips for care and maintenance for your Lhasa Apso in Bangalore


Grooming your Lhasa Apso is a significant responsibility. This job requires dedication and careful attention. Here are some essential steps to groom your Lhasa Apso effectively:

Trust-Building Exercises

  • Given the Lhasa Apso's natural aversion to grooming, start with trust-building exercises. Use treats to create a positive association with grooming.
  • Begin with light brushing, gradually increasing the level of touch sensitivity.
  • Pet and reward your dog during grooming sessions to foster trust and make the experience enjoyable.

Bathing Your Lhasa Apso

  • After establishing trust, move on to bathing. A Lhasa Apso's long, sweeping fur can harbor dirt and bacteria.
  • Use a diluted conditioner to prevent skin irritation and detangle the coat.
  • Wash the fur from top to bottom. Also, avoid circular motions to prevent matting.
  • Pay special attention to sensitive areas like the face. Be careful not to get soap in the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
  • Rinse thoroughly, dab dry, and use a low-setting blow dryer to avoid matting.

Brushing Your Lhasa Apso

  • Daily brushing is essential for Lhasa Apsos with their dense coats.
  • Use a detangler and a coated metal pin brush to gently go through the coat, layer by layer.
  • Pay attention to mats and use blunt-tipped scissors for intensive sessions.
  • Apply a spray conditioner before brushing, especially for longer sessions.
  • Focus on areas prone to matting, such as the paws, and comb carefully.

Trimming Your Lhasa Apso

  • Trimming involves addressing mats, especially in long-haired Lhasas, using a detangler.
  • Be cautious when trimming the face, paws, and nails to avoid injuries.
  • Trim excess hair to prevent tripping and maintain a neat appearance.
  • Carefully cut the nails, avoid the quick, and attend to the ears to prevent infections.
  • Seek professional help for more complex trimming tasks.

Styling Your Lhasa Apso

  • Styling includes managing excess hair, particularly around the eyes, using methods like top knots.
  • Consider parting the hair in the middle and brushing it aside for improved vision.
  • While haircuts are not recommended for a double-coated breed, light trimming can reduce the length and minimize dirt accumulation.
  • Schedule regular visits to the vet for health check-ups and guidance on grooming according to the dog's coat type.

Additional Tips

  • Frequency: Brush your Lhasa Apso daily, bathe every few weeks, and trim every six to eight weeks.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider professional grooming, especially for complex tasks like trimming and styling.
  • Daily Care: Prioritize brushing over bathing to maintain a healthy coat without exposing the dog to potential skin irritations from frequent bathing. By following these steps and tips, you can effectively groom your Lhasa Apso.


Just as physical activity is important for human health and well-being, it holds equal importance for dogs. Despite their small size, Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are quite agile. They do well in agility exercises and physical and mental stimulation. For Lhasa Apso dogs, regular exercise offers various benefits

  • Improved alertness
  • Enhanced sleep quality
  • Better socialization skills
  • Extended lifespan
  • Development of strong bones and muscles
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health

If you have a puppy, initiate their exercise regimen with walks, scheduled play activities, and supervised time in a yard or enclosed space. Older Lhasa Apsos may not self-exercise as much. This necessitates more encouragement and active participation from owners. Factors influencing the exercise needs of your Lhasa Apso include

  • Age: Young and old Lhasa Apsos require specialized exercise routines to prevent strain. For puppies, start with short walks and play activities, and avoid excessive running. Supervise interactions between older and more active dogs.
  • Physical Condition: Gradually introduce exercise to prevent strain, beginning with short walks. Monitor signs of distress, such as panting or respiratory issues.
  • Variety: Maintain a regular exercise routine but introduce variety for stimulation. Activities like fetch, exploring new neighborhoods, or jogging can add excitement.
  • Dangerous Activities: Avoid risky exercise methods involving cars, bicycles, or rollerblading. Refrain from exercising in extreme heat to prevent heatstroke; provide water during walks.

    With care and planning, you and your Lhasa Apso can enjoy a healthy exercise routine. Tailor the activity to your dog's age and fitness level. Incorporate enjoyable tasks into your routine, and both you and your Lhasa Apso will experience numerous health benefits.

Lhasa Apso Health

It's completely understandable for owners to feel upset when their dog faces health issues. Awareness of potential health problems can make a big difference. For Lhasa Apso Puppies For Sale In Bangalore, some common health concerns include

  1. Luxating patellas:Temporary slipping of kneecaps out of place.
  2. Progressive retinal atrophy:Gradual deterioration of the retina. It leads to symptoms like night blindness and potential total blindness.
  3. Cataracts:Opacity of the eye lens. Which results in a 'cloudy' appearance.
  4. Glaucoma:Increased pressure within the eye.
  5. Atopy:Hypersensitivity to allergens causing itching and skin issues.
  6. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca or 'Dry eye':Reduced tear production, which leads to dry eyes and potential corneal damage.
  7. Intervertebral disc disease:Abnormality in the discs between backbones.
  8. Cherry eye:Eversion of the 'third eyelid,' often correctable through surgery.
  9. Hydrocephalus:Increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain ventricles.
  10. Taking good care of Lhasa Apsos can lead to a long and happy life. If you're thinking of getting a Lhasa, it's important to pick a reputable Pet Shop For Lhasa Apso In Bangalore that is committed to the well-being of its animals. A responsible Lhasa Apso breeder should be able to show you lineage records. This extra step helps ensure a strong foundation for a healthy life.

    Lhasa Apso male puppies for sale in Bangalore
Lhasa Apso dog for sale in Bangalore

Nutrition and Food

Feeding a Lhasa Apso Dog for sale Online In Bangalore, a puppy properly is essential for their growth and development. A good starting point for daily calorie intake is around 450 calories. It can be divided into two or three meals a day. As the puppy matures, this can gradually be cut down to one or two meals a day as an adult. When training your puppy, it's important not to exceed 10% of their daily calorie allowance with treats. Most small dog treats are about two calories each. Therefore, it is important to read labels and use treats sparingly.

The diet for your Lhasa Apso should be rich in

  • Omega-rich fish oil-For brain and vision development
  • Antioxidants-Strengthen the developing immune system
  • Essential minerals-Builds strong bones and teeth
  • High-quality protein-For lean muscle development
  • Fortified with live probiotics-For digestive and immune health
  • Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin A-For healthy skin and coat

The feeding routine should remain consistent. Adjust the portion accordingly to prevent overeating and maintain an ideal body condition. Activity level is a significant factor in determining the appropriate amount of food.

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Lhasa Apso puppies for sale in Bangalore

Choosing The Right Lhasa Apso Dog Breeder In Bangalore

In Bangalore, people want pedigree dogs. However, some backyard breeders are doing things the wrong way despite bans and directives from civic authorities. Tales of horror reveal instances of separated pups sold prematurely. This leads to attachment issues and behavioral problems. Another story goes like unethical breeders handing over puppies infected with deadly viruses like Parvo.

Veterinary experts highlight the need for stricter implementation of dog breeding regulations to address the increasing health and behavioral issues among dogs from illegal breeders. It's important for people who want pets to know how to pick the right Lhasa Apso Dog Breeder In Bangalore. Here are some things to think about

Key Points to Consider

  1. Research Breeder Reputation:Check the reputation of breeders through online reviews. Also, check the testimonials and recommendations from previous customers.
  2. Visit the Breeding Facility:Schedule a visit to the breeder's facility to assess the living conditions of the dogs and puppies.
  3. Background Check on Breeding Practices:Inquire about the breeder's breeding practices and adherence to ethical standards.
  4. Health Screening:Ensure that the Lhasa Apso Dog Breeder Near Me conducts health screenings for their breeding dogs to avoid hereditary health issues. Request documentation to verify the health status of both the mother and the puppy.
  5. Transparent Communication:Choose a breeder who communicates openly and transparently. They should willingly provide information about the puppy's lineage, medical history, and upbringing.

Checklist for Pet Buyers

Ensure the breeder is licensed or registered with the state animal welfare board. Verify that the breeder keeps animals in proper care conditions. Be cautious of practices like mutilation, force-feeding, branding, etc. Always go for KCI Registered Lhasa Apso Breeder In Bangalore.

Why Go For KCI Registered Lhasa Apso Breeder In Bangalore?

The Kennel Club of India (KCI) is a respected organization dedicated to maintaining high standards in dog breeding. Opting for a KCI-registered breeder ensures a commitment to these quality standards. A KCI Registered Lhasa Apso Breeder In Bangalore focuses on breeding Lhasa Apso puppies with exceptional traits, including show-quality features, trainability, and overall skills. Breeders with KCI recognition adhere to specific ethics and guidelines. This ensures the purity of bloodlines, health guarantees, and adherence to standard breeding practices. This signifies professionalism and responsible breeding. Benefits of Choosing a KCI-Registered Lhasa Apso Dog Breeder In Bangalore

  • Quality Pedigree:Breeders prioritize quality pedigree, resulting in puppies with exceptional traits.
  • Show-Quality Features:Puppies exhibit show-quality features, meeting high breed standards.
  • Ethical Practices:KCI-registered breeders adhere to ethics, ensuring responsible breeding practices.
  • Health Guarantees:The breeder provides health guarantees to ensure the well-being of the Lhasa Apso puppies.
  • Certifications for Assurance:Valid certifications provide assurance regarding the lineage, health history, and pedigree authenticity of the Lhasa Apso puppy.
  • Fair Adoption Price:Adopting a Lhasa Apso from a KCI-registered breeder often comes with a fair adoption price for a high-quality and well-bred companion.

A KCI Registered Lhasa Apso Breeder In Bangalore ensures predictability. They will give you a fair perspective of exactly what to expect from the Lhasa Apso in terms of size, temperament, and appearance. Ethical breeders prioritize quality over profit. They also contribute to breed rescue efforts.

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Doggywala- The Best Online Pet Shop For Lhasa Apso in Bangalore

When it comes to a top-tier Online Pet Shop for Lhasa Apsos in Bangalore, Doggywala stands out as a premier choice. Doggywala proudly holds the prestigious Kennel Club of India (KCI) registration. This certification signifies a commitment to the highest standards in dog breeding. As a KCI-registered pet shop, Doggywala collaborates with the finest ethical Lhasa Apso Breeders in Bangalore. This partnership guarantees that the puppies available are bred responsibly with adherence to breeding ethics. Here are the highlights-

  • A responsible breeder with a positive track record
  • We conduct breeding practices in a clean and well-maintained environment to ensure the well-being of the dogs.
  • We stand against unethical practices like cross-breeding, inbreeding, overbreeding, etc.
  • Being a responsible breeder, we prioritize the health and well-being of Lhasa Apsos.
  • Our team conducts health screenings of dogs to avoid hereditary health issues.

Beyond the breeding team, Doggywala has a dedicated group of veterinarians. Choosing Doggywala means steering clear of potential pitfalls associated with unregistered, unvaccinated dogs from questionable sources. Doggywala distinguishes itself by strictly adhering to the New South Wales (NSW) Code of Practice. This commitment sets us apart from cheap backyard breeders.

Lhasa Apso price in Bangalore

Dog Kennel For Lhasa Apso In Bangalore- Dog Boarding Service by Doggywala

Are you seeking a secure and reliable place to board your Lhasa Apso in Bangalore? Doggywala stands out as a top-notch canine care facility. Our Dog Kennel For Lhasa Apso In Bangalore ensures your dog receives the best care. Here's why Doggywala is the perfect choice

  1. Trusted By Many:Doggywala comes highly recommended, with positive reviews from satisfied customers.
  2. On-Site Inspection:Visit Doggywala in person to witness the cleanliness and maintenance of the facility.
  3. Safety Measures:Doggywala prioritizes safety with measures like strategically placed security cameras and sturdy fences.
  4. Licensed and Certified:Doggywala is licensed by local authorities and upholds its commitment to animal welfare.
  5. Exercise and Nutrition:Doggywala understands the importance of exercise and offers designated play areas and supervised walks. Talk to our caregivers to discuss the preferred food for your Lhasa apso. We will make sure your pet receives a directed nutritious diet.
  6. Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff:The staff at Doggywala is not only friendly but also certified professionals in pet care.
  7. Comforts of Home:You can enhance your pet's comfort by sending a bed, blanket, or toy from home. Doggywala ensures that your pet feels at ease with familiar scents and comforts.

Doggywala is the ideal choice for boarding your Lhasa Apso in Bangalore. With Doggywala, you can book your pet's stay with the assurance that they'll receive the best possible treatment while you're away.

Lhasa Apso online purchase in Bangalore


Where does the Lhasa Apso originate from?

The Lhasa Apso originated in Tibet.

How is the coat of a Lhasa Apso described?

The coat is long and profuse, with a heavy texture that is neither silky nor woolly.

What colors are Lhasa Apsos available in?

Lhasa Apsos come in black, white, gold, and red with a variety of shading.

What is the literal meaning of "Lhasa Apso"?

Lhasa Apso roughly translates to 'bearded lion dog.'

Why is finding a Lhasa Apso for adoption challenging?

Lhasa Apsos are rare, and responsible breeders often have waiting lists.

What are the two popular grooming options for Lhasa Apsos?

The two popular grooming options for Lhasa Apsos are the Long Hair and the Puppy Cut.

What is a Long Hair grooming option for Lhasa Apsos?

The Long Hair option offers a classic look. It focuses on highlighting the regal coat of Lhasa Apsos. It includes long fur on the face, ears, mustache, and paws. This style is highly customizable, and you can use accessories and bows. However, it demands regular grooming and daily brushing to prevent tangling and matting.

What is the Puppy Cut for Lhasa Apsos?

The Puppy Cut maintains a consistent 1-2 inch fur length all over the body. It includes optional variations for the ears, mustache, and tail. This grooming style simplifies maintenance between appointments. It requires less brushing and infrequent bathing. The shorter coat also helps keep the dog cooler, especially in warmer weather.

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