Pet / Dog Breeder In India

Great Dane Puppies For Sale In Bangalore

Great Dane puppies for sale in Bangalore

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Great Dane Price in Bangalore- Doggywala

The Great Dane is a gentle dog known for its big size. They have a special dignity, looking strong and elegant at the same time. Some also call them the "Apollo of dogs." These dogs have a German background, dating back around 400 years. German nobles raised dogs like the Great Dane to protect their homes and hunt boars. In 1880, Germany renamed them "Deutsche Dogge," which means German Mastiff. But in English-speaking countries, they are called the old them. Even though they're huge, city people like to have them as family pets, even in India. If you want to have this unique breed as a pet, check out Doggywala's Great Dane Puppies For Sale In Bangalore.

Great Dane female price in Bangalore

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Great Dane puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Great Dane male price in Bangalore

Great Dane Price in Bangalore

Great Dane prices in Bangalore usually range between Rs 50,000 and Rs 1,50,000. When getting a Great Dane pup, check if the source is reliable. Trusted breeders like Doggywala care about the puppies' health and have good genetic reputations. They're licensed and certified and offer different dog breeds, including Great Danes, at fair prices. The Great Dane Dog Price In Bangalore can vary based on factors like coat colors, local availability, and champion bloodlines.

Great Dane dog for sale in Bangalore

Great Dane Dog for Sale Online In Bangalore

The Great Dane is elegant and one of the tallest dog breeds globally, almost as tall as the Irish Wolfhound. They can tower over humans when standing on their hind legs. Male Great Danes average 32 inches (81 cm) in height, while females average 28 inches (71 cm). The tallest recorded is Zeus, at a remarkable 44 inches. Great Dane Dog for sale Online In Bangalore weighs 115 to 175 pounds (50 to 79 kg). Great Danes have massive square-jawed heads and distinct body lines. Their short coat comes in colors like black, fawn, brindle, blue-gray, harlequin, or mantle. Fawn and brindle Danes often have a black mask.

Great Dane Dogs in Bangalore: Care and Upkeep

Bringing a pet home means taking up a series of responsibilities. When it is an exotic breed like the Great Dane, the task for an owner becomes double. But don't worry, this simple guide will help you to rule out the jobs:

Health Considerations

A Great Dane Dog for sale Online In Bangalore is generally healthy but can be prone to specific health issues. It's important to be aware of these potential problems

  • Development Issues: Puppies and young adults might experience problems related to an improper diet, often high in protein, calcium, or supplements.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This inherited condition occurs when the thigh bone doesn't fit well into the hip joint.
  • Gastric Torsion (Bloat): A severe, life-threatening condition more common in older dogs, triggered by factors like eating rapidly, large meals, and vigorous exercise.
  • Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma): The common bone tumor, often affecting larger breeds like Great Danes. It may require proactive treatment, such as limb amputation and chemotherapy.
  • Heart Disease: Various heart diseases, including dilated cardiomyopathy, mitral valve defects, tricuspid valve dysplasia, patent ductus arteriosus, subaortic stenosis, and right aortic arch, can affect Great Danes. Prognosis and treatment depend on the specific disorder and the dog's overall health.

For surgeries, finding a surgeon experienced with giant-breed dogs is essential. A presurgical blood test, including a clotting profile, is recommended.

Great Dane In Bangalore- Interesting Facts About This Breed

Planning to bring a Great Dane home? Well, there are some interesting facts you should know about this breed.

History of Origin

The name "Great Dane" comes from one of its French names, Grand Danois, meaning "Big Danish." Interestingly, there's no known reason to link Denmark with the history or origin of the breed. The Great Dane is from Germany, where it's called the Deutsche Dogge. It's a mix of the Irish Wolfhound for height, the Mastiff for weight, and the Greyhound for a sleek physique. Originally, it was bred to hunt boars and was as ferocious as its tusked prey. Later on, it became a common choice as an estate guardian. In 1876, Germany declared the Great Dane its national dog, and it gained popularity in other countries, including India.


Great Danes are among the friendliest dog breeds. They're calm, friendly, and love playing, especially with children. Training them is easy. They have a moderate energy level, enjoy playtime, and can switch activities easily. They're good at being watchdogs and providing fair protection. These dogs happily greet new people. It's important to introduce them to various situations and people when they are young so they grow up well-balanced. Great Dane Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are loyal and sociable, forming strong bonds with their human family. They have a calm and low-energy demeanor indoors, enjoying lounging and staying close to their owners. This makes them suitable for apartment living, although regular exercise is still important for their overall well-being. They do not bark unnecessarily.

Great Dane online purchase in Bangalore Great Dane online price in Bangalore

Great Dane Nutrition and Feeding

Great Dane Puppies For Sale In Bangalore: Being large dogs, they need special care in their diet. Feed them high-quality dog food made for their size, especially large-breed puppy food, until they're 18 months old. This helps with their extended growth phase and prevents overfeeding issues.

Overfeeding and wrong nutrition in big dogs can cause joint problems. Large-breed puppy diets adjust phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D levels to control growth and reduce the risk of diseases. Follow feeding guidelines and consult your vet. To avoid bloat, a dangerous condition, use a slow feeder, skip one large meal, and limit exercise after eating. Feed two or more smaller meals daily.

On average, Great Danes eat 6-10 cups of food daily. Follow the guidelines on the dog food bag based on weight and age. Maintain an ideal body condition, seeing the last rib's outline without making all ribs too visible. Adjust the amount based on your dog's metabolism and activity level, and consult your vet for the best nutrition.

Because of their size, Great Danes may need extra joint support. Consider joint supplements for your Great Dane's health, like glucosamine and chondroitin, but always get advice from your vet for the right choice. Not all supplements are the same, and your vet can help you choose what's best for your Great Dane's overall well-being.

Great Dane dog price in Bangalore

Great Dane Grooming and Bathing

Grooming a Great Dane might seem daunting due to their massive size, but their short, single-layered coats make maintenance simple. Here are grooming tips to keep your Great Dane clean and tidy:


  • Trim your Great Dane's nails regularly due to their large paws and claws.
  • Be cautious not to cut too short to avoid bleeding.


  • Brush every few days to prevent tangles, evenly distribute oils, and remove loose hair.
  • Different brushes serve specific purposes, like slicker brushes for loose hair.


  • Regular ear cleanings are essential to prevent moisture and infections.
  • Dogs with chronic allergies might need additional vet-prescribed treatments.


A Great Dane Dog for sale Online In Bangalore is low-maintenance in terms of bathing. Overbathing can dry their skin; a few baths a year is sufficient. Sponge-bathing every 4 to 6 weeks helps remove debris and refresh the coat.

Tips for Sponge Bathing

  1. Use a gentle canine shampoo, avoiding synthetic fragrances.
  2. Prepare warm water in a clean bowl for sponge bathing.
  3. Clean soft areas around the eyes, nose, and ears carefully.
  4. Start with the dirtiest parts like skin folds and armpits.
  5. Thoroughly rinse with clean, warm water.
  6. Towel dry your Great Dane's substantial body.
  7. Follow up with grooming tasks like teeth brushing and nail clipping.
  8. Bathe as needed, considering deep cleaning when necessary.

Watch for Allergies:

  • Great Danes may have allergies, so use hypoallergenic shampoos.
  • Avoid synthetic ingredients and never use human shampoo.
Great Dane puppy price in Bangalore
Great Dane dog for sale in Bangalore


Early training and socialization are essential for Great Dane Puppies For Sale In Bangalore. Initial interactions and rule enforcement set the foundation for a well-behaved Dane. Consistent training is important to prevent behavior issues.

Training Equipment and Accessories

  • Explore various training equipment available in the pet market.
  • Appropriate tools enhance exercise and fun for Great Danes.
  • Due to their huge bodies, strong training and ample playtime are necessary for their health.

Training Methods
  1. Basic Dog Obedience Training: Start early to prevent behavior issues. Emphasize socialization for friendly and non-fearful behavior.
  2. Clicker Training: Use a clicker device to associate the click sound with treats. Click when the Dane performs well, serving as a reward.
  3. Correction Reinforcements: Correct undesirable responses with a leash and collar. Be cautious not to overcorrect, considering the Dane's sensitivity.
  4. Socialization: Great Danes, despite their affectionate nature, need to learn socializing due to their large size. Shy behavior should be addressed to avoid anti-social tendencies.
  5. Obedience: Teach basic commands and establish who is in command. Obedience is important for the well-being of both the owner and the pet.


  • Use a stern voice.
  • Keep training sessions regular.
  • Use rewards and corrective reinforcement.
  • Don't over-correct your dog.
  • Don't lose patience or be too harsh.
  • Appreciate your Dane during training to motivate better performance.
  • Be gentle yet firm to avoid instilling fear during training.

Training Great Danes requires dedication, consistency, and a balanced approach. Gentle yet firm methods, regular sessions, and positive reinforcement contribute to a well-behaved and socialized Dane.

Great Dane price in Bangalore


Great Danes are large, powerful dogs with a moderate level of energy. Despite their size, they don't require excessive exercise, but regular physical activity is important for their overall well-being.

Exercise Guidelines

  • Puppies (Up to 6 Months): 10-15 minutes per day
  • Great Danes (6-12 Months): Up to 30 minutes per day
  • Great Danes (12-18 Months): Up to 30 minutes per day
  • Adult Great Dane (24 Months and older): Up to 60 minutes per day
  • Senior Great Danes: As little as 15 minutes per day.


  1. Swimming: A low-impact, enjoyable exercise, especially in hot weather, suitable for joint-sensitive dogs.
  2. Dog Parks: Allow free play and socialization with other dogs; set up agility courses for mental stimulation.
  3. Agility Sports: Engage in activities like agility training, flyball, etc., for physical and mental exercise.
  4. Bike Ride: Great for both the owner and the dog; be cautious and start slowly to build stamina.

Important Considerations

  1. Joint Health: A Great Dane Dog for sale Online In Bangalore is prone to joint problems; avoid high-impact activities on hard surfaces.
  2. Mental Stimulation: Besides physical activity, Great Danes need mental stimulation; walks and other exercises should engage their minds.
  3. Temperature Sensitivity: Be cautious in extreme temperatures; protect paws from hot pavements and provide care in cold conditions.
  4. Post-Eating Exercise: Wait at least an hour after feeding before exercising to prevent digestive strain.

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Great Dane puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Choosing a Great Dane Breeder Near Me

When selecting the perfect Great Dane, especially from a local breeder, thoughtful consideration is essential. Here are key indicators of a reputable Great Dane Breeder Near Me to guide you in this process

  1. Open to Visits:Look for breeders who welcome visits. This allows you to see firsthand where Great Dane puppies are raised.
  2. Cares for Breeding Great Danes:Reputable breeders treat their breeding Great Danes as cherished family members, prioritizing their well-being beyond their breeding role.
  3. Waitlist Option:Trustworthy breeders may not always have available puppies, but they should be open to adding you to a waitlist for upcoming litters.
  4. Ongoing Support:A good Great Dane Breeder In Bangalore provides continuous support, offers clear written contracts, and may assist with rehoming if needed.

Considering these factors helps identify a responsible breeder, ensuring a positive experience as you bring a Great Dane into your home.

Choosing a KCI Registered Great Dane Breeder In Bangalore

If you're considering a Great Dane from a breeder, look for one with Kennel Club of India (KCI) certification. This ensures your pup is purebred and meets specific standards. KCI certification guarantees purebred puppies with a clear lineage. Doggywala offers Great Dane Puppies for Sale in Bangalore from KCI-registered breeders, ensuring high breeding standards.

Connect with Doggywala, your local KCI Registered Great Dane Breeder in Bangalore, for ongoing support and the chance to be on a waitlist for upcoming litters.

We assure that, you will get best deal for the Great Dane puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

Doggywala - Best Great Dane Breeder In Bangalore

As the premier Pet Shop for Great Danes in Bangalore, Doggywala stands out by ensuring:

  • Premium Puppies:Our puppies come from excellent bloodlines, ensuring superior quality and health.
  • Love and Care:As the leading Great Dane Breeder in Bangalore, we prioritize showering our Great Danes with attention, care, and happiness.
  • Happy Customers:Satisfied customers commend the exceptional quality of our Great Danes.

Contact us for fantastic offers and a seamless experience in welcoming a furry companion into your life.

Great Dane male puppy price in Bangalore

Dog Kennel For Great Dane In Bangalore

At Doggywala, we prioritize an extraordinary experience for our Great Dane guests. Our kennel offers secure accommodation for stays and a fenced space where Great Danes can play and revel in joy.

Our caregivers oversee everything, ensuring top-notch care from nutrition to training. Our Dog Kennel for Great Danes in Bangalore provides VIP treatment, including grooming, checkups, and prevention of ticks and fleas. Contact us today, and let your Great Dane experience royal treatment at Doggywala!

FAQs on Great Dane

Are Great Danes good working dogs?

Yes, Great Danes were originally bred as working dogs. They were valued for guarding properties and were skilled hunters, particularly in hunting wild boars. Their agility, strength, and height made them efficient in these roles.

Do Great Danes make good lap dogs despite their large size?

Despite their massive size, Great Danes often display a lapdog trait. They love to cuddle and be close to their owners. Training from an early age may be necessary to ensure they're comfortable sitting on laps.

How fast do Great Danes grow, and what is their average lifespan?

Great Danes experience rapid growth, reaching close to 100 pounds within half a year. Their height can reach 6 feet within a year. Unfortunately, their lifespan is relatively short, averaging between 8-10 years.

What is the Great Dane's temperament, especially towards people and children?

Great Danes are often described as gentle giants, naturally protective when needed. They are affectionate, love people, and can get along well with children when taught to be gentle.

Do Great Danes need a fenced yard, and why is supervision necessary around children?

Yes, a fenced yard is necessary to prevent them from wandering. Supervision is important around children as their wagging tails, due to size, can accidentally knock over toddlers.

Are Great Danes outdoor dogs, and how do they behave indoors?

Despite their size, Great Danes should be indoor dogs and part of the family. They are loving, trainable, and house train easily when kept indoors. Outdoor life may lead to destructive behavior.

How can owners prevent undesirable behaviors in Great Danes?

Owners should provide mental and physical stimulation to prevent undesirable behaviors. Boredom, lack of training, and being unsupervised can lead to issues like barking, digging, and counter surfing.

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