Pet / Dog Breeder In India

German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore

German Shepherd puppies for sale in Bangalore

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German Shepherd

The German Shepherd Dog is like a natural bodyguard with brains. Seriously, this pup is so smart and versatile that it can do pretty much any dog job out there. From their big size to their pointy ears and smart eyes, German Shepherds are one of the handsome breeds. They're not just good-looking; they also nail all sorts of jobs. They can guide the blind, sniff out hidden drugs, catch bad guys, and even serve in the military. They are literally multi-talented! German Shepherds are also the best buddies you could ask for. They're full of energy, super loyal, and will stick by your side no matter what. Having a German Shepherd isn't just having a pet; it's a whole lifestyle of awesomeness. So, if you want to adopt one, then quickly check out German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore at Doggywala!

German Shepherd price in Bangalore

We assure that, you will get best deal for the german-shepherd puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

German Shepherd breeder in Bangalore

German Shepherd Price In Bangalore

Thinking about getting a German Shepherd pup in Bangalore? Then, let's talk about German Shepherd prices in Bangalore. This can be anywhere from Rs. 20,000 to 90,000. Well, it depends on the family tree and overall breed quality. Now, these pups come in eleven different colors, from awesome tan to cool brown and black mixes. The color can also affect the price.

If you're looking for a pup with some special skills, like being trained for champion-level tasks, or a retired military dignitary, get ready to spend a bit more for German Shepherd Dog Price In Bangalore.

A quick tip: Watch out for those tempting cross-breeds being sold on the cheap. Yeah, they might save you some cash now, but later on, you might face some health and behavior problems. It would be better to pay a bit extra for a purebred from a trustworthy Pet Shop For German Shepherds in Bangalore like Doggywala.

German Shepherd Dog for Sale Online In Bangalore

Alright, let's talk about the German Shepherd— they are basically the VIP of the canine world. You can spot them from a mile away with those pointy ears and those serious eyes. But guess what! Their tails are like happy flags, especially when they're out on family adventures or getting some well-deserved pats.

Now, let's get into what makes a German Shepherd a head-turner

  1. Ears:Cute and floppy during puppyhood. Then, around five months old, they stand tall like they're always on high alert.
  2. Eyes:Dark, almond-shaped, and super smart-looking. These dogs have a way of giving you that "I'm ready for anything" expression.
  3. Nose:Think of a mostly black, square nose and a muzzle that's long and straight—classic German Shepherd style.
  4. Height:The males measure in at 24-26 inches, and the females are a bit smaller at 22-24 inches.
  5. Coat Length:Most have a medium-length double coat—dense and straight, with a few having a hint of a wave.
  6. Coat Color:They come in all shades—black and tan, black and silver, and even white.
  7. Tail:Long and bushy, with a cute little hook at the end.
  8. Weight:The males tip the scales at 65-90 lbs, and the females are a bit lighter at 50-70 lbs.

So there you have it—German Shepherds are not just good-looking; they're the whole package of fun and style. Book a German Shepherd Dog for sale Online In Bangalore at Doggywala today!

German Shepherd Puppies In Bangalore- Things You Should Know About This Breed

Before you make it official and sign those adoption papers, as a responsible Pet Shop For German Shepherds in Bangalore, Doggywala wants to share some important facts and care tips about this breed to help you become a confident pet parent-

History of Origin

The German Shepherd hails from Germany, and its name says it all. All credit goes to Captain Max von Stephanitz. He wanted a hardworking dog, and thus, he set the gene foundation for this breed. It became a champ at herding sheep and keeping an eye on them. Back in the day, Stephanitz mixed local shepherds with different coats to create these cool dogs.

Originally, German Shepherds were farmhands, herding sheep. Then, the German army found this breed useful and repurposed them for military tasks during World War I. They delivered food and supplies to German soldiers, doing some serious heavy lifting. In 1899, the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde SV was formed to keep tabs on the breed's growth and ensure they stayed athletic.

First, they were called Sheepdogs; then, the American Kennel Club changed it to Shepherd Dogs. Meanwhile, in England, they went by the Alsatian Wolf Dog, which sounds a bit weird. Finally, in 1931, the American Kennel Club brought back the original name, German Shepherd.


German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are super loyal, smart, and protective. They can get a bit territorial, so it's important to introduce them to different people and pups early on. This way, they'll know the ropes of socializing and get along with others.

These dogs get mega attached to their owners and can be a bit choosy about who gets near their human stuff. They're not into starting fights, but they have a natural instinct to watch out for their loved ones and their home. If a stranger shows up, you'll definitely know. They will start barking when the doorbell rings, or there's a knock.

To make sure your German Shepherd stays friendly and doesn't go into superhero mode, give them some training and introduce them to different situations when they're young. That way, they'll learn to handle strangers without flipping out. It's all about setting them up for success from the get-go!

German Shepherd female puppies for sale in Bangalore

German Shepherd Care and Maintenance

Here are some tips for care and maintenance for your German Shepherd in Bangalore


Making sure your German Shepherd looks awesome is all about taking care of their fur. You don't need constant trips to the groomers, but a bit of effort on your part will keep shedding in check and your pup looking sharp. Here are some tips

  1. Brush often:German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore have a thick outer coat and a soft undercoat. So, give them a good brush every few days. Use tools like rakes and de-shedding thingies—they work like magic.
  2. Shedding seasons:During these times (1 to 2 weeks), brush them more often.
  3. Bathing:Once a month is enough. Too many baths can make their skin dry and itchy.
  4. Nail check:Look at their nails once a month. Even if they wear down on their own, make sure they're not getting too long.
  5. Ear love:Clean their ears every week with ear drops, not water. Keep an eye out for any signs of infection.
  6. Get a good vacuum cleaner:Hair will be everywhere, so be prepared.

Why Not to Shave Your German Shepherd?

Don't even think about shaving your German Shepherd. Here's why

  1. Coat protection:Their double coat keeps them comfy in all seasons. It naturally offers insulation.
  2. Colors and marks:Shaving removes the outer coat, making its beautiful colors less vibrant.
  3. They still shed:Even if you shave them, they'll still lose fur, just shorter strands.

Best German Shepherd Hairstyle

There isn't much variety in hairstyles for your German Shepherd. The key is proper brushing and grooming to keep their coat healthy and shiny. If you feel the need to trim, use grooming scissors for specific snips.

Nutrition and Food

When you bring home a cute German Shepherd Dog for sale Online In Bangalore, it's pretty hard not to instantly fall in love. These pups are super affectionate and will shower you with love in return. Since they'll grow into a medium to large breed, what you feed them is important for proper development. Common mistakes include giving too much or too little food and opting for low-quality grub. So, what's the best diet for a German Shepherd puppy? Let's break it down.

German Shepherd Puppy Diet: Newborn

First things first, these little ones need to nurse on their mom's milk. They start with a special milk called colostrum, which boosts their immune system. At around four weeks, they start transitioning to solid food. If, for some reason, they can't nurse, don't substitute with cow or goat milk. A vet can recommend the right formula.

German Shepherd Puppy Diet: 1 Month Old

At 3-4 weeks, introduce them to new flavors with special wet puppy food. Around 6-8 weeks, add a bit of dry dog food with water. You can also try unseasoned chicken stock between nursing. From the 8th week, they move to solid puppy food. No more milk, though—it could cause tummy trouble.

German Shepherd Puppy Diet: 2 Months Old

In two months, start reducing the moistening of dry food. Follow a feeding schedule—4-5 times a day. Leave the food bowl for 10 minutes, then take it away, even if they haven't finished. This teaches them mealtime discipline.

German Shepherd Puppy Diet: After 4 Months

Between 4-6 months, cut meals to 3 a day. Increase food quantity and give them an extra 2 minutes to eat. You can start mixing fresh foods like meat, fish, or veggies with commercial dry feed. Avoid forbidden foods for dogs and limit wet food to avoid smelly poop.

German Shepherd Puppy Diet: After 6 Months

Around six months, reduce daily meals to twice a day. Increase portions and eating time. Give them shatterproof bones to strengthen teeth and gums.

Dog Food and Water Bowl Hygiene:

Keep their food and water bowls clean to prevent bugs. Insects in water can lead to intestinal parasites. If your pup skips three meals in a row, consult a vet immediately.

German Shepherd Health

German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are fantastic dogs, but they can face some health challenges. Responsible breeders carefully check genealogy to minimize risks. The average lifespan is 10 to 12 years, but certain issues might affect it. Here are common health problems for German Shepherds


  • Symptoms: Increased eating and drinking, weight loss, frequent urination, confusion, and lethargy.
  • Act if: You notice these symptoms. Consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Gastric Dilation – Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat

  • Symptoms: Pale gums, excessive drooling, swollen abdomen, gagging, eating grass, vomiting.
  • Act if: Suspected, and rush to a vet or emergency animal hospital for immediate treatment.

Hip Dysplasia

  • Symptoms: Limping, hopping when running, popping sounds from the joint, difficulty in movement.
  • Act if: Observe any signs; consult a vet for examination and possible treatment options.

Elbow Dysplasia

  • Symptoms: Similar to hip dysplasia, affecting elbows.
  • Act if: Observe limping or signs of pain, consult a vet for diagnosis and potential treatment.


  • Symptoms: Noticeable white film on the lens, potential blindness.
  • Act if: Observe a white spot on the eye; consult a vet promptly.

General Tips:

Skin issues like yeast dermatitis are common; consult a vet for treatment. Monitor your dog closely, and seek veterinary attention for any unusual symptoms. Consider pet health insurance and products like Vetericyn for additional support.

German Shepherd male puppies for sale in Bangalore

We assure that, you will get best deal for the german-shepherd puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

German Shepherd dog for sale in Bangalore

German Shepherd Training and Exercise

German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Bangalore are truly special dogs, known for their hardworking nature, loyalty, bravery, and surprising sensitivity. Here are some tips and information about training your German Shepherd puppy

Prerequisites for Training

German Shepherds thrive on clear, loving guidance and are quick learners. They enjoy being in a partnership and respond well to training. Start training your German Shepherd puppy as soon as you bring them home from the breeders. Equipment needed for training

  1. Collar and ID tags:Legal requirements for identification.
  2. Harness:Useful for lead walking and more comfortable for your puppy.
  3. 2m training lead:Adjustable lead for training sessions.
  4. Treats:Use treats or your puppy's regular food for positive reinforcement.
  5. Toys:German Shepherds are toy-motivated and love to play.

Training Tips

Provide a risk-free environment for effective training. Training your German Shepherd puppy is not only about imparting commands but also building a strong bond and understanding with your furry friend. Enjoy the process of watching your puppy learn and grow into a well-behaved companion! Having proper exercise for your German Shepherd puppy is important for their physical and mental well-being. Here are some guidelines for effective and safe exercise:

Best Exercises for German Shepherd Puppies

  • Off-Leash Walking and Exploration:Allow them to walk off-leash and explore their surroundings at their own pace.
  • Balance Work:Incorporate activities that enhance their balance and coordination.
  • Mental Stimulation:Engage their minds with puzzle toys, training sessions, and interactive games.
  • Exercise Guidelines

  • Age-Based Routine:Take them for 5 minutes of exercise twice a day for each month of age when on a leash. For example, a 4-month-old puppy should get 20 minutes in the morning and another 20 in the evening.
  • Growth-Friendly Activities:Go for short walks, playful tug-of-war, and simple games that are gentle on growing joints.
  • Joint Health:Monitor your puppy's activities to avoid stressing their joints. Use an exercise tracker to keep track of their movements.
  • By following these guidelines and adapting them to your puppy's individual needs, you'll ensure they get the right amount of exercise for a healthy life.

    German Shepherd puppies for sale in Bangalore

    Choosing The Right German Shepherd Dog Breeder In Bangalore

    When you're getting a German Shepherd Dog for sale Online In Bangalore, it's important to start with a trustworthy breeder. Some breeders cut corners, offering low prices but providing puppies with mixed genes, health issues, and behavioral problems. To avoid these issues, choose a local German Shepherd Dog Breeder In Bangalore that ensures

    • Internationally accepted breeding standards.
    • Purebred healthy pups with solid genes.
    • Puppies with up-to-date vaccinations.
    • Transparent health records.
    • Fair pricing reflects ethical breeding practices and top-notch genes.

    Always go for a registered KCI Registered German Shepherd Breeder In Bangalore for a safe adoption process.

    Why Go For KCI Registered German Shepherd Breeder In Bangalore?

    KCI, or Kennel Club of India, is a respected organization dedicated to maintaining the quality standards of various dog breeds. Choosing a KCI Registered German Shepherd Breeder In Bangalore means choosing a breeder committed to quality pedigree. These professional breeders offer show-quality puppies with excellent trainability and skills. Moreover, a German Shepherd Dog Breeder Near Me with KCI recognition adheres to specific ethics and ensures the purity of bloodlines, health guarantees, and standard breeding practices. By choosing such a breeder, you can receive valid certifications for your puppy and pay a fair adoption price. Invest in quality and choose reputable breeders like Doggywala.

    We assure that, you will get best deal for the german-shepherd puppies in Bangalore you love to pet. Connect - 9168554651

    Doggywala- The Best Online Pet Shop For German Shepherds in Bangalore

    Doggywala stands out when it comes to finding a top-notch pet shop for German shepherds in Bangalore. As a Kennel Club of India (KCI) registered pet shop, Doggywala collaborates with the finest ethical German Shepherd Dog Breeder In Bangalore. Beyond their breeding team, Doggywala also boasts a team of veterinarians dedicated to maintaining the highest breeding standards. Choosing Doggywala means avoiding pitfalls like unregistered, unvaccinated dogs from questionable sources. Following the NSW Code of Practice, standards set Doggywala apart from cheap backyard breeders. Our pet shop proudly stretches the collar when it comes to the quality, health, and behavior of our purebred puppies.

    German Shepherd price in Bangalore

    Dog Kennel For German Shepherd In Bangalore- Dog Boarding Service by Doggywala

    Are you heading out for a vacation and stuck wondering where to keep your German Shepherd? No worries – we've got you covered! Doggywala is the go-to Dog Kennel for German Shepherds in Bangalore. We are the best provider of dog boarding services. Whether your furry friend is a pup or a grown-up, we're experienced caretakers ready who will give our best efforts to ensure comfort for your pet! As the reputed dog boarding facility in Bangalore, we promise

    1. Safety:Our comfy shelters come with 24/7 security.
    2. Playtime Fun:A big play area where your German Shepherd can enjoy daily fun.
    3. Care and Meds:Our expert caregivers make sure your pup gets meals and any needed meds right on time. We also keep an eye on their hydration and overall happiness.

    No need to wait – pick Doggywala for your trusted kennel service. We've got short-term and longer-stay options for your German Shepherd!


    What kind of fun exercises do German Shepherd dogs enjoy?

    German Shepherds love exciting activities that mix both brainpower and physical effort. Things like agility, parkour (fancy jumping and climbing), and even tracking or protection work get their tails wagging.

    Can German Shepherds do the doggy paddle?

    Totally! Most German Shepherds are awesome swimmers. They might just be the next canine, Michael Phelps, at the local doggy pool.

    How high should their fences be?

    Fences for German Shepherds should be at least 4 feet tall, but higher is even better. These pups can jump, so we need to keep them safely in their playground.

    What's the German Shepherd's personality like?

    Think of the German Shepherd as having a cool, mysterious vibe rather than being too in-your-face. They're a bit reserved at first, but once they decide you're family, get ready for ultimate loyalty and love.

    How do German Shepherds handle threats?

    German Shepherds are super calm until trouble knocks. Then, bam! They turn into fierce protectors and show off their top-notch watchdog skills.

    Are German Shepherds super smart?

    Absolutely! These pups aren't just cute; they're brainy too. Give them a task, any task, and they'll tackle it like pros. From alerting a friend to a doorbell ring to rescuing someone during an intrusive attack, they're up for the challenge.

    What's the one thing German Shepherds really need?

    Attention, please! German Shepherds crave companionship and action. If they're left alone too much, they might get bored and a bit mischievous. A happy German Shepherd is one who's part of the family action.

    What supplements can boost joint health in dogs?

    For healthy joints, think of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM supplements. Adding high-quality fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids can also help fight inflammation and ease the pain of conditions like osteoarthritis.

    Are probiotics helpful for dogs?

    Absolutely! Probiotics are not just for digestion. They can lend a helping paw to minor behavioral issues, too. If your German Shepherd has pancreatic issues, digestive enzymes in powdered form might be a game-changer.

    How can I avoid over-guarding and aggressive behavior in my German Shepherd?

    Socializing is key! From puppy days, expose your German Shepherd to the world—people, pets, the whole shebang. Obedience training is like teaching them the coolest tricks. Keep them with the family, not in a lonely kennel or backyard. That way, they'll be the friendly neighborhood watchdog, not an overprotective one.

    What kind of owner is ideal for a German Shepherd?

    If you're an active soul who loves the outdoors, the German Shepherd is your perfect match. These dogs are game for daily walks, runs, and weekly adventures to exciting places. German Shepherds bond deep, seeing themselves as full-fledged family members. They crave strong relationships and live for human companionship.

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