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Common Health Problems in Pug

Dogs are such beloved pets. People love to pamper them. Every breed of pet has its own specialty. One of the most beloved, cute, adorable pets is a pug.

But nowadays, common health problems are found in pugs. These health problems are affecting the lifestyle of pugs so badly. When we buy a pug puppy from Doggywala, we offer round-the-clock help concerning the health of your puppy. What are you waiting for? Know pug dog prices in India and get one for your family today itself. Here are some common health problems mentioned.

Skin Infection

One of the most common health issues found in pugs. Skin infections in pugs make their skin more infection-prone. Hence, they attract infection towards themselves very quickly.

You can notice a bad odor, skin fold, and atopy. This also results in pruritus or itching. The dogs get irritated because of this skin infection and harm themselves in order to get rid of itchiness. This sometimes results in major injuries or infections. To avoid this condition you should consult with a veterinarian as soon as you notice behavioral changes or skin changes in your dog.

Skin infections can be bacterial and fungal. Bacterial infections are caused due to bacteria that enter the body through a bad environment. Bad environment means if your dog sometimes goes to dumps or spoked food this can cause bacterial infections.

Fungal infections completely harm their outer as well as inner body too. The fungal infection spreads too fast. It results in alopecia too. You will notice hair fall, irritability, itchiness, and many more.


Encephalitis is a cause of concern in pugs or any other small dog. This problem is usually seen in small dogs. In this health issue, the inflammation of the brain happens which results in extreme irritation and pain.

This disease can be seen in many dog breeds, not only in pugs. However, according to the research, 1.2 percent of pugs die because of encephalitis disease. As this disease cannot be cured easily, if not treated well.

Encephalitis occurs usually between 18 months to 2 years of the age of a dog. The symptoms you may see are irritation, seizures, depression, laziness, visual impairment, and circling. As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to take your pet to a doctor if you see these symptoms in your pug.

In a few cases, pugs recover from encephalitis if treated well. Most of the cases result in brain damage which leads to death, as special care is needed in this disease. To keep your dog away from encephalitis and any other health issues, trust the best breeder- Doggywala. Know Pug price in India.


Entropion is an ophthalmological condition in which the lower eyelid moves inwards and lashes rub against the eyes which causes discomfort. This eye condition is usually seen in every other dog breed. Entropion is an infectious disease.

This disease is caused due to major nerve damage, encephalitis condition, depression, and other health or brain-related conditions. Entropion is a disease which cannot be treated. Somehow, it can be cured after getting an eye surgery which sometimes results in over correction too. Over correction results in removal of eyelid skin.


Allergies are very common among dogs. Not only in pug breeds but these can be seen in every other dog breed. Allergies should be taken seriously if you want to avoid major health issues of your pet.

Your pet can be allergic to anything. It can be a particular food, diet, dust and dirt or anything. These issues should be noted appropriately and taken care of. If you avoid allergic problems then it will lead to hair fall, itchiness, fungal infection, bacterial infection, wounds, and many more. Find out Pug puppy price in India.

Pug dog breeder in india

Ways to Protect Your Pug From Diseases- Expert Tips For Pug

Getting a pet is easy. Taking care of it is difficult. If you’re a pet owner then it’s your responsibility to take care of your pet like a child. A pet cannot talk but they give signs to you.

A dog only trusts a person and shares their things with people they are comfortable with. They give type signs. You only need to understand them. If you are concerned about your pet and don’t know how to protect it from diseases.

Don’t worry! we will help you out. Here are some points discussed for you to take care of.

  • Keep them vaccinated as vaccination protects them from various bacterial or fungal infections
  • Wash your hands before you feed or play with them as they can come in contact with germs via your hands
  • Make sure to assist with a doctor if you notice any changes in your pet
  • Get in a routine checkup with a veterinarian.
  • Keep your pet away from wild animals as they can also transfer germs to it
  • Make sure to check over your pet whenever they come home after playing
  • Use anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and anti-bacterial medications suggested by a vet

Now, you understand the tips to keep your pug away from disease, whyn’t contact Doggywala and find Pug dog price in India. We sell 24 breeds of dog across India.

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